Potato, pepper & sausage bake

Main course

I saw this recipe on Pinterest and had to try it. There were a couple things that I changed but it was a super yummy dish. Remember when you are cooking it's ok to veer from the recipe if you're missing ingredients. I had sausage in my fridge but not the kind they had in their recipe. I didn't have specific seasonings so I used what I had. I think if I make this again I will add parmesan cheese to the top of it for those last 15 minutes of cook time. Be creative with what you have in your cupboards. Have fun cooking.

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Potato, pepper & sausage bake

I saw this recipe on Pinterest and had to try it. There were a couple things that I changed but it was a super yummy dish. Remember when you are cooking it's ok to veer from the recipe if you're missing ingredients. I had sausage in my fridge but not the kind they had in their recipe. I didn't have specific seasonings so I used what I had. I think if I make this again I will add parmesan cheese to the top of it for those last 15 minutes of cook time. Be creative with what you have in your cupboards. Have fun cooking.

Main course
Prep time
cook time
total time

40 Mini red potatoes

13 oz. Cajun Style Andouille Smoked Sausage

1 bag mini peppers

1 medium onion

1 ½ Tbsp dried rosemary

1 c. olive oil

4 Tbsp lemon juice

2 Tbsp garlic powder

Preheat oven to 500 degrees. I know that is really HOT. I don't cook on that setting too often.

Wash your small red potatoes and cut them into 4ths. Place them in a bowl. Chop your onions and place in that same bowl with your diced potatoes.

In another bowl add olive oil, lemon juice, garlic powder and rosemary. Mix well and combine with your potato and onion mixture.

Pour into a cookie sheet or baking dish. Spread out and put in your super HOT oven for 20 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes.

Add cut up sausage and peppers to your potato mixture and stir together well. Place in oven for another 10 to 15 minutes.

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