Welcome to What to Eat 4 Dinner cooking blog!

Both Melissa and Ryan come from large families that love food and love to cook. We have assembled our favorite recipes and meals because sometimes the hardest question to answer is "What should we make for dinner?" We always wanted to find a way make dinner time easier so we hope these options will make your life easier in some small way.

We also founded a magazine publishing company in 2016 and published recipes every month in those magazines. We had many contributors over the years and we include their recipes with permission. We are also open to trying and including your recipes. If you have one that you would like to share, please email mspelts@me.com.

Strawberry ice cream, chocolate chip cookies, rice crispy treats

About Melissa

Melissa is the primary cook at our house. She has an ability to make food simple yet delicious. She has cooked thousands of meals now but she didn't always have that skill. When she and Ryan dated in college, she wanted to make a meal for Ryan and she burnt the grilled cheese sandwiches. Don't worry, he still ate them. She also used to cook a whole potato in the microwave and eat it plain or with a little bit of ketchup. She keeps it simple and family friendly. She loves cooking for our kids friends when they like to eat.

If you are the type of person who goes to a restaurant and finds a dish you like so you order that same exact thing every single time...you know the way Melissa's brain works.

Headshot photo of Melissa Spelts

About Ryan

Ryan has always loved eating anything Melissa makes for him. He also loves to cook. His style is much different. Where Melissa likes to keep things simple and steady, Ryan likes to try new things...always. He rarely repeats recipes and even if he does, he always tries some new seasoning, or new approach. He also stinks at writing down recipes and creations, so when something goes amazingly right, he doesn't always remember how to recreate it. He does have a knack for flavor though and loves to get things right!

If you are the type of person who eats at a restaurant and finds a dish and so your brain thinks, "If they have one good thing there must be other good things on their menu!" and therefore never order the same thing again...you know the way Ryan's brain works.  

Headshot photo of Ryan Spelts

An Idea to help make Life Easier

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Have questions about a recipe? Check our recipe FAQ

All our recipes meet these 3 simple criteria:

10 Ingredients

All recipes require not more than 30 minutes to make

1 Bowl

All recipes require not more than 30 minutes to make

30 Minutes

All recipes require not more than 30 minutes to make

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