Poppy Seed Chicken

My sister-in-law shared this recipe with me years ago and if I recall correctly this was a recipe they used while in college. They had a great dinner idea with their roommates that I wish I used while in college. Each roommate would take a day each week being in charge of dinner for the whole group. This was one of the go to recipes. My children always loved when I made this for dinner. Every time I made it they cheered and we never had left overs. So yummy!

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Poppy Seed Chicken

My sister-in-law shared this recipe with me years ago and if I recall correctly this was a recipe they used while in college. They had a great dinner idea with their roommates that I wish I used while in college. Each roommate would take a day each week being in charge of dinner for the whole group. This was one of the go to recipes. My children always loved when I made this for dinner. Every time I made it they cheered and we never had left overs. So yummy!

Prep time
cook time
total time

4 Breast - Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast

12 oz - Cream of Chicken Soup

1 cup Sour Cream

2 pkg crushed Ritz Crackers

Poppy Seeds

½ cup - Butter

Pre-cook chicken, shred or cube your cooked chicken and add to your cream of chicken and sour cream and mix ingredients well. Then spread out in a casserole dish. In a bowl dump your Ritz crackers and crush with your hands add melted butter and mix well. Top the chicken mixture with your Ritz mixture and Sprinkle poppy seeds over the top. Bake in the oven at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Serve over rice or noodles.

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