

We love omelets for breakfast, lunch and dinner! You can make these simple or use your creativity and add all kinds of fun meats and veggies.

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We love omelets for breakfast, lunch and dinner! You can make these simple or use your creativity and add all kinds of fun meats and veggies.

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3 eggs

½ c. diced ham

3, chopped sausage links

¼ c. finely diced tomatoes

½ c. shredded cheddar cheese

salt to taste

pepper to taste

Heat up a frying pan on medium heat and add non stick spray or butter

Break your eggs into a bowl and mix well with a fork. Pour mixed eggs into your pan and spread eggs out in your pan. Let cook until almost cooked completely and add Ham, sausage pieces, diced tomatoes and cheese, salt and pepper (you can add more or take away from our favorites). Let cook a couple more minutes on each side and place on a plate. We like to top our with sour cream. Very easy to make and fills tummies.

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