Kitchen Sink Cookies

When I saw these I had to try them. This recipe was found all over Pinterest. Some called it Kitchen sink cookies, or pretzel cookies, or rockstar cookies. Whatever you call them, know that they are super yummy and a must try. To be honest if felt a little weird putting potato chips in my cookies. After trying them I learned that those different combinations created a good balance of salty and sweet and soft and crunchy. My children loved them. I loved the toffee in the cookies as well. Great recipe. Hope your family enjoys them as much as ours did.

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Kitchen Sink Cookies

When I saw these I had to try them. This recipe was found all over Pinterest. Some called it Kitchen sink cookies, or pretzel cookies, or rockstar cookies. Whatever you call them, know that they are super yummy and a must try. To be honest if felt a little weird putting potato chips in my cookies. After trying them I learned that those different combinations created a good balance of salty and sweet and soft and crunchy. My children loved them. I loved the toffee in the cookies as well. Great recipe. Hope your family enjoys them as much as ours did.

Prep time
cook time
total time

2 c. flour

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp salt

1 c. butter

¾ c. light brown sugar

½ c. sugar

1 large egg

2 tsp vanilla extract

1 ½ c. semi sweet chocolate chips

1 c. toffee bits

1 c. ruffles potato chips

½ c. pretzels

Preheat oven to 325

Combine your flour, baking soda, salt, brown sugar and white sugar in a mixing bowl. Then add your wet ingredients butter, egg and vanilla and mix well. This is your cookie base. Then add chocolate chips, toffee, chopped up chips and pretzels. Mix in your blender until every ingredient is evenly spread through out dough.

Place cookie dough balls on a sprayed cookie sheet and bake in the oven for 10-12 minutes or until the edges are golden brown.

Let cool on a cookie rack or on counter and enjoy. Best if eaten with a tall glass of milk.

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We need dinner time to be easy at our house. We decided to share our go-to recipes and meal plans on this website.

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