Cinnamon French Toast


I love this recipe for when I have some older bread that needs to get used, I think it actually tastes better with old bread. Such a quick dish to whip up.

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Cinnamon French Toast

I love this recipe for when I have some older bread that needs to get used, I think it actually tastes better with old bread. Such a quick dish to whip up.

Prep time
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6 large eggs

1 c. milk

½ Tbsp cinnamon

1 loaf thick cut bread

berries to taste

whipped cream to taste

Whisk eggs, milk, and cinnamon in a bowl, preferably one with a wide base, until well combines.  Heat a griddle and spray with nonstick spray or melt butter onto it.  Dip each slice of bread into the mixture, making sure both sides are coated, then place on the griddle.  Let each slice cook for 1-2 minutes per side, or until browned and cooked through.  Serve with your favorite french toast toppings.

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