Bacon, egg & cheese bagel sandwich


These sandwiches even freeze for quick breakfast in the morning, we love these in our household, everyone likes them!

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Bacon, egg & cheese bagel sandwich

These sandwiches even freeze for quick breakfast in the morning, we love these in our household, everyone likes them!

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6 bagels

6 slices cheddar cheese

12 slices cooked bacon

6 large eggs

Toast the bagel in a toaster or if you have some time, in a pan with a little butter.  Cook your bacon until crispy set aside.  Fry the eggs one at a time for about 3 minutes per side once the pan is hot, or until they are to your liking(I use a canning lid for a wide mouth jar, that I spray with oil, to make them circles if I want to be fancy).  Then assemble in a sandwich!  These can be made with english muffins as well, we like both.  

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